The tinder fungus, scientifically known as Fomes fomentarius, is a tree fungus that is native to large parts of the world; in Europe it mainly grows on birches and beeches.
Tinder fungus is also known as Fomes chirurgourum due its traditional use as wound dressings in acient times.
Since simple tinder fungus extracts do not lead to expected desired effects, special biotechnological extraction processes were developed by Zunderschwamm Naturprodukte Ltd.. This made it possible to produce optimized and highly concentrated natural forms of active and highly effective ingredients: Glucaneo®, which is characterized by special wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties; and Evoglucan®, which has a uniquely high antioxidative capacity and it counters skin-aging through environmental stress, incl. UV-A radiation. The impressive effects of both extracts have been confirmed in several scientific studies.