Tinder Fungus Natural Cosmetics – Amadou– special helpers for your skin
Because of its healing effect, the tinder fungus (German: Zunderschwamm), a tree fungus growing on leaf-bearing trees, has been used since ancient times for skin problems and wound healing. This effect was discovered by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates of Kos, who began using the outer lobes of the fungus as a wound sponge some 2,400 years ago.
During the 19th century, the availability of the naturally growing tinder fungus declined dramatically because its natural habitat was progressively wiped out due to increasing deforestation and subsequent reforestation with fast-growing needle-bearing monocultures. In addition, the availability of patentable synthetic medicines increased rapidly - including wound ointments that, due to advances in chemistry at the beginning of the 20th century, were not as perishable as before. As a result of all these developments, the tinder fungus started to lose its status bit by bit.
Fascinated by traditional healing knowledge, Zunderschwamm Naturprodukte Ltd. used state-of-the-art scientific research methods to decode the healing mechanism of the tinder fungus and identified the decisive active complex. Since simple tinder fungus extracts do not lead to expected desired effects, special biotechnological extraction processes were developed. This made it possible to produce optimized and highly concentrated natural forms of active and highly effective ingredients: Glucaneo®, which is characterized by special wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties; and Evoglucan®, which has a uniquely high antioxidative capacity and it counters skin-aging through environmental stress, incl. UV-A radiation. The impressive effects of both extracts have been confirmed in several scientific studies.
Glucaneo® and Evoglucan® each are suitable for the specific requirements of natural medical cosmetics and they are the key ingredients in the Zunderschwamm product lines. In combination with other natural raw materials such as shea butter, evening primrose oil and aloe vera, they are formulated to meet specific skin care needs.
• Products with Glucaneo® are suitable, for example, for the basic daily care of atopic dermatitis, for the management of psoriasis and for the basic daily care of acne and blemished skin. Even the specific use of everyday wounds has proven to be surprisingly good in practice, not to mention the excellent efficacy in reducing nappy rash. Glucaneo® is thus a viable natural alternative with scientifically describable action and proven comparable effect.
• Products with Evoglucan® are suitable for daily protective skin care for normal as well as irritated and reddened skin. They naturally protect against environmental influences such as air pollution and other irritants and counteract aging effects caused by UV-A rays.
The entire Zunderschwamm product range is certified organic and therefore free of GMO and synthetic fragrances and dyes; it goes without saying that no animal testing is conducted along the entire supply chain. All products are dermatologically tested and found to be suitable for all skin types, i.e. also for very sensitive skin. The packaging is limited to absolute necessities.
For the production, only organic tinder fungus from sustainable German natural forests is used. We work in close cooperation with Bavarian State Forestry and nature conservation authorities. This makes our tinder fungus product range truly 100% "Made in Germany".
Interesting facts about the tinder fungus
The tinder fungus, scientifically known as Fomes fomentarius, is a tree fungus that is native to large parts of the world; in Europe it mainly grows on birches and beeches. The fungal network of the tinder fungus penetrates the tree and decomposes it. For the forest ecosystem, this is an extremely important process, because tinder fungus primarily decomposes dying as well as weakened trees, whereby space for new trees to grow is created whilst returning the nutrients contained in the wood back into the soil so that the new trees can prosper.
The fungus owes its name to our ancestors, who as far back as 10,000 years ago extracted so-called tinder from the outer layers with which to ignite fire.
About the Zunderschwamm Naturprodukte company (Ltd.)
Initiated and motivated by the research on tinder fungus, the company has embraced the scientific mission of transferring traditional knowledge on medicinal mushrooms to the 21st century, using state of the art scientific research methods and biotechnological processes: “Naturopathy 2.0” one could say... or rather: evidence-based naturopathy. To this end, a team of scientists, dermatologists and engineers is conducting fundamental research on traditional medicinal mushrooms in order to decode their mechanisms of action and to then biotechnologically optimise the identified substances so that they can be used and recognised in modern medicine. The active ingredients as such remain 100% natural